The original Saint Anthony Kitchen Ministry began in the mid-1990s with twice a month dinners in the Gym. Originated by the SA Finance Council, Gloria Mamis and her late husband Jerry continued the initiative over the years with their daughter Michelle taking charge in recent years assisted by Dave DeSantis and many loyal volunteer. The needs have changed over the years as the number have shrunk from almost 150 clients when the ministry began to 20 to 40 clients at a serving. All of our clients drive in and a few are bussed. The Ministry will relocate to the Saint Edward Church Hall on Saturdays beginning in January 2024. Parishioners began serving weekly lunches there last year on Saturdays and it was determined that was the better location because of the neighborhood. Moreover there is a large homeless population living close by who could walk to the site. Please pray for the success of this outreach and many thanks to Michelle and Dave and countless volunteers for their hard work and dedication over the years. Anyone interested in serving Christ in this expanded meal site can call the rectory! (Please note the Saint Anthony Kitchen Ministry also includes the Mobile Lunch outreach which still continues on Sundays and will remain the same two Sundays monthly alternating with Mary’s Meals for the Poor from Presentation Church.)