Our annual Christmas Concert will be held on Sunday December 22 at 3 pm in the Church of the Presentation. This year we focus on and celebrate all the gifts that God has given us, so please join us as we welcome the extremely generous gift of a new piano to our parish family.
This year we will feature a memorial program booklet. Anyone wishing to place the name(s) of a family member(s) or loved one(s) in the memorial program, please take a request form from the back of the church and return it to the office drop box or place in with the weekly collections. Please make checks payable to Saint Anthony Parish and mark the envelope attention Toby. The suggested donation is $10/line and the deadline for submissions is Friday, December 13. Any questions please see Toby.
Please consider making or purchasing baked goods to be shared at the reception immediately following the Christmas Concert in the Presentation Hall on Sunday December 22nd at 3pm. Bite sized, or pre-sliced items are appreciated. Thank you!