Dear Parishioners, Every year I review the annual parishioner contribution letters that have now been sent out according to IRS policy for income tax records. It is a very long but humbling experience as I do try to personalize as many as I can. The extraordinary generosity of so many in our tri - parish community can never be understated, especially since the pandemic has noticeably decreased Mass attendance and contributions. How long it will last or if everyone will return is anyone’s guess. But we still remain committed to celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments to any and all who have need. While the individual letters gratefully acknowledge donations made throughout 2021, I need to publicly thank everyone for their support. As you know, our office will gladly correct any possible errors on the individual statements. But every year there are very few corrections to be made since everyone is most cooperative. Once again on behalf of my brother priests I pray God’s many blessings upon you and your families who comprise the one big family of His people with three individual houses of worship.
Father Ed
We are currently preparing the end of the year letters for those registered parishioners of Saint Anthony, Church of the Presentation and Saint Edward Churches who use the envelope system (and On Line Giving) to make contributions to the parish.
Please note the totals do not include: donations made to Saint Anthony Kitchen Ministries, Saint Edward Food and Wellness Center, Mary’s Meals or the Holy Family Home (those letters are mailed throughout the year), donations to the Bazaar, purchases of raffle tickets and donations to other parish fundraising events.
The totals include all 2021 envelope offerings and On Line contributions received in the parish office by January 13th . Any offering received after that date will be applied towards your offerings in 2022.
As required, all letters will be mailed by January 31st. Please note the accuracy of the amounts stated in the letters is determined by the information which was completed on the front of each budget envelope. If you use the envelope system or On Line Giving and you do not receive a letter, please call the parish office