This year we began a new outreach to the high school youth of our parish communities in cooperation with Saint Augustine Church. Both Father Stephano and Father Peter are spiritual directors of the program and John Pesce, a junior at LaSalle Academy is their
assistant in communicating with the members.
The youth have begun meeting on the second and fourth Sundays of the month alternating with both Saint Anthony and Saint Augustine Church facilities. They have had a visit from seminarians from Our Lady of Providence who spoke about vocations. The youth recently had a bus trip to La Salette shrine in Attleboro to view the Christmas decorations.
The new year will offer many opportunities for the members to have fun and build community. There will also be guest speakers at the meetings on occasion. One future speaker was a coworker of Saint Teresa of Calcutta who met her in his twenties and volunteered over the years in India. He is privileged to have a first class relic of her blood and has prayed over many
with this special gift given to him by Saint Teresa of Calcutta’s successor as superior of the Missionaries of Charity.
Please pray for the success of this new ministry and encourage young people to get involved.