During the month of November the Church prayerfully recalls with love all our departed brothers and sisters. On Monday, November 1st we celebrate the Feast of All Saints with Masses celebrated at 8:30 AM in Saint Anthony Church and 5:15 PM in the Church of the Presentation. On Tuesday, November 2nd, All Souls Day, Mass will be celebrated in Saint Anthony Church at 8:30 AM. On the weekend of November 6th and 7th, the names of all those who died during the past year will be announced during all the Masses of Saint Anthony and Presentation Churches. Those who died from Saint Edward Church will be announced there at the 9 AM Mass. The Book of Remembrance of the Dead is displayed at the entrance of Saint Anthony Church with the names of the deceased already inscribed, so other names can be added. During this month we take the time to offer our gratitude to God for those who enriched our lives here on earth and who are now praying for us until we are united with all the Saints before the throne of God.